Liberty Reserve – ¿Segunda Encuesta?
Uno de los procesadores de pago más usados en la industria de inversiones de alta rentabilidad HYIP, LibertyReserve, quién se caracteriza por ser uno de los pocos que tienen las comisiones más bajas del mercado, 1% por cada transacción de recepción de saldo hasta un máximo de 2.99$, hace una semanas regaló 1000$ por sorteo a 10 afortunados usuarios (100$ a cada uno) por tomarse 5 minutos o menos para llenar una encuesta la cual puedes revisar en Liberty Reserve – Regala 100$ por llenar una encuesta, ahora si vuelves a visitar su website desde hace unos días hay una nueva encuesta diferente a la anterior ofreciendo los mismos premios, puedes revisar las preguntas a continuación:
Para los que se están preguntando ¿Hubo ganadarores en la primera encuesta? La respuesta es, si los hubo y los ganadores están anunciados en el blog de la empresa, el mensaje respecto a los ganadores fue:Liberty Reserve Survey,Win $100 dollars in 5 minutes!
Liberty Reserve will split $1,000 between 10 lucky winners this month who have answered our survey.
Answer 12 short questions and you could win $100! Your feedback will make Liberty Reserve better and could award you $100!
Propose your own question for next survey to win extra $100!
1. Please let us know how did you hear about Liberty Reserve for the first time:
a. From a friend (please refer Liberty Reserve account #)
b. From a printed ad (please name the publication)
c. Through an internet search (what did you search about)
d. From another website (please refer the website)
e. Other source (please specify)
2. Liberty Reserve S.A. company is entirely located in:
a. Asia
b. Europe
c. Central America
d. Latin America
e. Middle East
3. Please let us know how often do you travel internationally:
a. Once a year
b. 2-5 times a year
c. More than 5 times per year
d. I live in airplanes
e. I do not like/have to travel.
4. Are you a member of one of the following:
a. Star Alliance
b. OneWorld
c. SkyTeam
d. None of the above
5. If you travel and you have to rent a car, your preferred car rental company is:
a. Hertz
b. Enterprise
c. Avis
d. SiXT
e. Budget
f. I don’t use car rental
g. Enter your own preference:
6. Please provide us your age range (used only for statistical purposes):
a. Up to 21
b. 22-30
c. 31-40
d. 41-50
e. 51-70
f. Over 71
7. Do you normally donate? (check all that apply):
a. Only for critical events (earthquakes, tsunami, acts of war, etc)
b. Only to reputable charities in the field of medicine (cancer research, HIV virus, etc)
c. I do not believe in donations
d. I would like to have the ability to make donation easy and print out receipt from on-line.
e. My own choice of charities:
8. What is your favorite search engine:
a. Google
b. Yahoo
c. A9
d. Bing
e. Other
9. What religion do you belong to?
a. Christianity
b. Islam
c. Hinduism
d. Buddhism
e. Diasporic/Deism
f. Judaism
g. I am Agnostic
h. I am Atheist
i. Enter your own
10. Do you wish for Liberty Reserve to add more currencies, please
a. I only use USD/Euro
b. GBP
c. YEN
d. Indian Rupee
e. Enter your own:
11. Customer’s question: Should Liberty Reserve go green?
a. Yes, environment is important
b. Does not really matter, one company will not change anything
c. I do not believe in global warming, let the nature do it’s job
d. I do not care.
12. Propose your own question for next survey to win extra $100.00
(will be awarded if used, to the first individual proposed)
My question is:13. Please enter your Liberty Reserve account number to participate:
Dear Friends,Comentario:
The following account holders have been selected as our April survey winners:
Additional question was chosen from the client with account number: UXXX6017 (user did not agree to release his full account number).
We appreciate everyone’s input. It helps us to achieve the best possible on-line experience for you and to select specific services and features you strive for the most.
All payouts will be concluded today, before 9:30PM GMT.
The survey has been setup and is already on-line. Prize structure is the same. This new survey will end on 12-05-2010 12:01PM GMT.
We sincerely appreciate your time and efforts.
Folks at Liberty Reserve.
Al parecer y comparar las preguntas de la actual encuesta con la anterior podemos notar que son preguntas muy diferentes buscando obtener esta vez más información relativa a los usuarios , respecto a sus conocimiento y necesidades sobre el procesador Liberty Reserve, si eres usuario de los servicios de la compañía y no ganaste en el sorteo anterior en esta nueva encuesta tal vez tengas una nueva oportunidad, solo te tomará unos minutos llenarla y luego estar atento a los resultados.
18 de octubre de 2011, 13:58
Earning $12000 is not as hard as you think; you need only 3 simple steps ;))
There is no admin interference in this program. 100% fair play guaranteed.
Hope you will join us in this great opportunity.