PTVPartner – Avances al 15/Abr/2010

6:43 Publicado por Luis Alberto

Una de las pocas empresas de la industria de alta rentabilidad que había  logrado superar la barrera de los 180 días en línea, PtvPartner, y prometia ser una de las mejores de la industria, sigue haciendo ajustes a su script después de pasar por varios problemas que aún no ha superado exitosamente, para muchos foros esta empresa está haciendo pagos selectivos, es decir, que solo está pagando montos pequeños y los grandes aún siguen en espera, aunque la empresa se ha manifestados respecto a estos detalles, los inversores siguen expresando su descontento respecto a ella. Lo único aparentemente bueno es que nos mantienen informados constantemente de lo que están haciendo, a continuación el más reciente mensaje:
What a Week!
Recently I sent out an email titled “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”. Well, in some ways that’s what we’re still looking at. First, we’d like to thank those of you that have stood by us. We know there are many who are being patient and understanding. It’s not been an easy road for any of us.
Now, down to business, the funds for the ecurrencies are coming. They will not all arrive at the same time as they are taking various routes to get here. As they arrive withdrawal requests ARE being paid. In order to accommodate the most members we are paying the smallest withdraws first. I know we said that we would pay in order of request. But many of the smaller requests are of more necessity than those requesting larger amounts. Don’t worry, we will get all requests completed. Because of the various methods we are using to bring in funds we are anticipating having withdrawals up to normal timeframe by the weekend or at the latest by Monday.
We are working on the maturities. Once again we are anticipating this to be corrected by the weekend as well so bear with us. Of course, the new plans are not affected.
Thing are progressing now of integrating the Bankwire registration page. Because of all the variety of things being worked on, the ability to deposit and withdraw via Bankwire will take until next week. We also will allow withdraw request via Bankwire next week as well, even if your deposits were made via Ecurrency.
Accounting will kick into high gear tomorrow with the additional staff being put into place to work on the accounts.
Understand, we are still going through the suspended accounts. Those that will be unsuspended will be completed by the beginning of next week as well. Please do NOT send any more support tickets on this issue. Once we make a decision you will either access your account or you won’t.
We have been overwhelmed by tickets and have found most of them have been answered in our mailouts. Please confine help tickets to personal account problems. We are deleting the backlog of about 600 tickets because there is no way to answer them all. These are the main subjects of tickets and answers so you know the current situation.
There appears to be a problem with the SP API sending the deposit info back to your PTV account. Please send a ticket with the subject line FUNDS MISSING. Please include all details from your SP or PM back office.
At the moment the situation is that all investments will mature later than is showing in your back office.
This is due to a server time problem that the techs are working on now. Expect approximately 5-6 days to be added to existing maturity dates. This will not affect new investment maturity timing. Please be patient. PLEASE DO NOT SEND TICKETS ABOUT THIS !!!
If you have received a payment in excess of what you are entitled to, please send it back to the originating PTV account with OVERPAYMENT and your PTxxxxxxx number in the memo. Garrett has stated those who do send the overpayments back without being prompted will receive preferential treatment in the future. PLEASE DO NOT SEND A TICKET !!!
If your account has been suspended and you have reason to believe that it should not be, please send a ticket from outside your account outlining the reasons why. Include your PTxxxxxxx number and any relevant details. Please use the Subject line SUSPENSION. Please wait for an answer from the admin before re-opening it. It will take it out of the queue if you do.
Many overpayments were made to keep members happy. Funds allocated to future withdrawal requests were used during this process. To save time these were paid out to processors. Garrett has always stated that only 3 days reserves are held by payment processors. Garrett is organising funds from the earnings of the mine to be sent. The wiring of these funds takes a few days. They should be in the e-currency accounts by the end of this week and at the latest by Monday. Only send a ticket if your legitimate withdrawal request is still pending from before the 7th April and use the subject line FAILED REQUEST.
The redeposit link was removed to enable the technical staff to do some manual work on the database without hindrance from ever changing data. As soon as the work is completed it will be restored. In the mean time try withdrawing and redepositing. We realise this may be difficult right now but the situation will improve when the e-currency coffers are filled…hopefully by the weekend. PLEASE DO NOT SEND TICKETS ABOUT THIS!!!
Our IT staff is working very hard to get things squared away as fast as they can and they have told me the blog will be back working the beginning of next week. It’s great to hear so many of you have asked about the time of it’s return. We are going to get the forum back on track as well.
Even though I’m in meetings most of this week, I am aware of what’s going on. We will be getting back on track just as quickly as we can. There will new things coming out and new opportunities in the future. Everything from here on will smooth out for the most part beginning next week. Please hang in there. Everything that we can is being done to remedy the whole situation and get us back on track so we can move forward in a positive direction and bring us all to the position to:
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!
Resaltando lo puntos más relevantes tenemos que:
  • Según el mensaje los pagos pendientes estarán regularidados este fin de semana a más tardar este lunes próximo.
  • Han incorporado recientemente la hoja para registrar los datos de nuestro banco, en caso queramos usar tranferencia bancarias como medio de inversión o retiro.
  • La próxima semana permitirán los retiros mediante transferencias bancarias.
Borrado de Tickets:
Han encontrado como 600 tickets que ya han sido respondidos previamente, por tanto han sido borrados.
No se visualizan lo fondos de Perfect Money y de Strict Pay en las cuentas:
Parece que hay algun problema en la interfase API de ambos procesadores de pago, para este caso los usuarios deben enviar un ticket con el asunto “FUNDS MISSING” incluyendo los detalles necesarios para poder realizar el seguimiento.
Retorno de sobre pago.
Si alguién ha recibido un sobrepago, por favor enviarlo de vuelta a la cuenta de PtvPartner, con el detalle de “OVERPAYMENT” y el ID de su cuetna de PtvPartner.
Suspensiones de cuenta.
Sí algún usuario tiene su cuenta suspendida y considera que no hay razón alguna poara ello, entonces envie un ticket con el asunto “SUSPENSION”, antes de intentar realizar una reapertura.
Retiros Pendientes:
Aquellos usuarios con retiros pendientes desde antes del 7 de Abril del 2010 deben enviar un ticket con el asunto “FAILED REQUEST” para entrar a una lista de prioridad en los pagos.
Botón de Re-depósito:
El botón de re-de`´osito ha sido temporalmente desabilitado, para que el equipo técnico pueda realizar trabajos manuales enla base de datos, una vez que el trabajo esté finalizado se reactivará el botón.
Aunque la empresa esté informándonos al detalle de lo que suspuestamente están haciendo, nada de eso importa si no están pagando a todos como se debe, ya que la situación es tensa para varios usuarios, no importa lo que digan por más fundamentado que esté, haciendo pagos selectivos hace que los inversores pierdan confianza y se vayan retirando, por tanto todo el trabajo de posicionar a PtvPartner, se está viniendo abajo mientras los inversores no reciban su dinero como es debido. Espermos logren recuperarse pronto y no entren a la lista de SCAMs que ya varios foros comentan que esta empresa debería estar ahí; como siempre el tiempo lo dirá y nosotros solo podemos ser espectadores del éxito o fracaso de esta empresa en la industria.
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