PTVPartner – Otro intento de extosionarlos
Cuando hay empresas que esás siendo exitosas en la industria de alta rentabilidad siempre encontraremos, Spammers, hackers y extorsionadores tratando de hacer de la suyas para obtener beneficio de alguna u otra manera, en esto oportunidad el administrador de la empresa PTVPartner, nos enseña una muestra de extorsión por parte de una o varias personas que participan en este tipo de actos delictivos por la red. Pero al parecer el administrador y su equipo estan preparados para atender y rastrear a este tipo de personas que muchas veces creen que son muy listos y que nunca los van a rastrear; a continuación podrás ver los mensajes que intercambiaron la empresa y los extorcionadores quien al parecer son de la empresa de inversiones “Stanbinc-profit” para que nos podamos entretener un rato:
Another attempted extortion: We thought you might enjoy the read from an extortion attempt directed at PTV Partner.Resumiendo un poco todo este gran mensaje tenemos que:
I had to correct their grammatical errors to ease your ability to read.
Here it is…..enjoy.
Hello Admin,
{Is of importance you read to the end }
You have started a ponzi scheme to scam people of their hard earn money. We are Jet Poster, Posting on all monitors and forums 24 hours. WE search and bring down Hyips program {ponzi scheme}
We have decided to bring your program down. This is to save the money of innocent people who are searching for ways to earn online. We have successfully brought down many program in the past 4 years on hard work. We can bring your program down within 48 hours and your search in Google will remain scam even in monitors and forums.
Our mission is to bring down your program by daily 24 Evil-Votes in all forums and your monitors, we send messages to 20,000 potential investors to stay off your program. we have brought so many Ponzi Scheme down just like yours { you use other people money to pay investors and then run with the rest} WE KNOW Our 12 IP VTN can Generate 24 post with different IP per day.
We are sending you this message for negotiation. We want you to pay to our account $1000 {negotiable} to stay off your program.
We start with prove after 3 hours on getting this mail without responds from you. This is very serious to the life and success of your program. We will send you prove on every post we make on monitors and forums to know how fast and well we do our jobs.{48hours you will be rated scam in monitors and forums, it is a promise}
No body has ever opposed us, and can ever do. We only need co-operation from you. We can rephrase previous votes if you respond to our demands with well negotiation. if we dont hear from you after 4 hours, we shall start our work fully with daily reports to your mail. BE WARNED
08 Mar 2010 09:55 PM
Dear HYIP Destroyers
Thank you for your info including enough to track you down to central Nigeria. You do not seem to know much about PTV because we are one company that is not a Ponzi scheme. I realize that it is very dangerous outside with your countrymen running amok with machine guns, machetes and spears, but this extortion attempt is your timing, not ours. I not sure if extortion or blackmail is a crime in Nigeria you will find out soon enough. We are contacting police in Kaduna and Abuja. i realize that they are very busy at this time but we will keep complaining to them until they have time to take action. I am sorry that running away at this time may be very dangerous for you, but you have given us no choice.
PTV Partner team.
Further to the HYIP Destroyers saga….added to my reply…sent a complaint to his ISP as well…
Dear HYIP Destroyers
Just to keep you posted on what is happening. We have received messages back from both police offices that they are very interested in catching you because you claim to have been doing this for 4 years. They have told me that they envisage around 5 years in prison for you. They assured me that you will be well looked after by the inmates of the prison especially if you are young and handsome.
They have told me that the armed insurgents have become more violent because of the alcohol they have stolen. They have isolated most of them in the area around your town. They suggested that I warn you not to try to escape because the chance of being hacked to death by them is quite high. Coincidentally one of our members lives near you and would like to pay you a visit. I think he wants to pass on some info about PTV, but he did not specify.
He has started posting…all from the same IP address.
He is the admin of …have tracked him down….now he will get a taste of his own medicine….
There are 2 ways of handling this….
His Name is Mike….his IP address is
Dear Mike
I hope you don’t mind me calling you by your first name….
So HYIP Destroyers is the brainchild of the admin of the failing Ponzi Stanbic-Profits. I have a list of monitors from that I will start posting to shortly if I do not see retractions of what you have already posted. You are just a standard scammer. Any smart person would have hidden his tracks a lot better. I guess you are going to find out what the inside of prison is like after all. I am sure the members of your scam site who have lost money would love to know your details. Isn’t this exciting? Did you know that I have been a scam buster for many years and have ways of finding information on pathetic scammers such as yourself without any difficulty whatsoever. Now you have really opened a can of worms. I have to decide whether to allow you to post more negative stuff about PTV and get the benefit of the publicity or expose you immediately. What do you think?
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El primer mensaje es de los supuestos extorcionadores quienes se hacen llamar los THE HYIP DISTROYERS, comentan lo siguiente:
- Sabemos que tienes un esquema Ponzi para estafar a la gente y quitarles su dinero.
- Somos posteadores supersónicos, postearemos en todos los monitores y foros en menos de 24 horas.
- Buscamos y tiramos abajo programas basando en un esquema Ponzi.
- Hemos decidido traer abajo tu programa.
- Realizaremos 24 votos negativos en todos los foros y monitores diariamente.
- Estamos enviando este mensaje par negociar.
- Necesitamos que envies 1000$ para dejar su programa.
- Empezaremos a probarlo 3 horas después de enviar este email.
- Finalmente dan su cuenta de Liberty Reserve y su dirección de email.
En respuesta el equipo de PTVPartner, el 08 Mar 2010 09:55 PM responde que los han rastreado hasta Nigeria Central y que estan contactando a la policia de Kaduna and Abuja (para asustarlos creo yo).
Después de rastrear mejor la fuente de los mensajes extocionadores, han determinado que los post fueron realizados desde la misma dirección IP, y han determinado que es el administrador de la empresa, su nombre es Mike y su IP es:
Finalmente el administrador de PTVPartner, envía un mensaje a los extorcionadores para mostrarles que puede invertir la situación y con mayor fuerza de la estimada por ellos, donde comenta que puede informar a todos los monitores que trabajan con esa empresa en y comentarles de esta situación; ¿Qué pasará ahora? el administrador de PTVPartner, esta en el dilema de permitir posts negativos sobre la empresa y beneficiarse con la publicidad gratuita o exponer al extorsionador inmediatamete. Tal vez pronto sepamos más sobre este caso de extorsión.
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