Hugmoney – Resultados del Segundo Concurso de Referidos y algunas noticias importantes

18:10 Publicado por Luis Alberto

La empresa de inversiones online  de alto rendimiento, Hugmoney, quién lleva operando exitosamente 97 días consecutivos :
Greetings Hugmoney members!
For today’s newsletter I would like to start by thanking everybody who participated in our latest referral contest which has just ended. I have to say it was a great success and even better than expected. So good in fact that we will shortly be running another one. But let me announce the winners first. Holding a separate contest for regular investors proved to be very popular.
Among the monitors the winners are:
money-news Won : $500, hyipexplorer Won : $300, goldpoll Won : $150
And from the investors the winners are:
lxw002 Won : $500, 155900 Won : $300, cashptc Won : $150
Our next contest will begin very soon on March 20 and will again run for a week, ending on March 27. Again, please keep in mind that even if you don’t win a prize anything that benefits
Hugmoney as a program essentially benefits you the members as well. So a very big thank you to each and every one of you who made the effort. We all do well from the results.
Anybody who doubts the extreme popularity of
Hugmoney need only look at our growing Alexa rating.
Hugmoney currently ranks number 12,903 and yesterday’s daily rank was 4739. That is a simply outstanding result for an online based investment company such as hours but make no mistake, we are aware that it was you guys who gave it to us so really, I can’t thank you enough. It should also be noted that a quick search on Google will throw up more than 100,000 results for us
It’s small wonder then that we now have more than 18,000 satisfied members and that number shows no sign of slowing down. We are sometimes getting up to 500 new members on some days so you can take that as proof of our continuing strength. We are now 97 days online and the general consensus is that
Hugmoney is the best place on the internet today to make a little extra money for yourselves, your friends, and your families. If you are one of those 18,000 then please don’t be shy about sharing your experience on the various forums and monitoring sites.
Now for some important news. It has come to our attention that some members are having difficulties in accessing their accounts. There are several possible causes for this, but nothing that can’t be fixed.
1: Your account has been disabled
2: You have forgotten your password
3: The security on your computer has been compromised and you have allowed someone else to access it
4: You have a technical fault with either your computer, your browser, or your internet connection.
If any of these things have occurred to you then you need to contact one of our support team immediately with the following information
A: Username B : Password C: Secret Answer
Disabled account holders must send us their password. We will do our level best to fix this for you but again I need you all to remember that due to the enormous traffic we receive you simply must be patient and allow our support team time to do their jobs. We need 48 hours to deal with everything so please do not submit more than one ticket for any particular issue. We will get around to you eventually but you are not helping the situation by bombarding us with e-mails. Everybody gets dealt with in turn and you only need to make us aware of your problem once. But before contacting us at all it might help if you took a quick look at our FAQ page as you may find your question is already answered there.
The same situation applies to your withdrawal requests. Sometimes we can pay you in as fast as one minute but that all depends on the time and the number of requests we need to deal with. So again, please allow us 48 hours to process them. We have a lot of work to do here so kindly allow our support team to handle it. You will be dealt with individually, but don’t worry, you will be dealt with.
That’s all this newsletter so let me finish by saying congratulations to the contest winners and ask you all to continue promoting us. Everybody benefits if you do. Thank you for making
Hugmoney the number one investment site on the net today, but we need your continued help in maintaining that position.
With warmest regards, The
Hugmoney Administration Team.
Resumiendo y resaltando los detalles más importantes de este aviso tenemos que:
  • Nuevamente este segundo concurso tuvo mejores resultados de lo esperado y por tanto dentro de poco lanzarán el tercer concurso.
  • Los ganadores de este segundo concurso fueron:
  • Respecto a monitores son: money-news con : $500, hyipexplorer con : $300, goldpoll con : $150.
  • Inversores regulares: lxw002 con : $500, 155900 con : $300, cashptc con : $150
  • El siguiente concurso iniciará el 20 de Marzo del 2010 y nuevamente durará una semana, terminando el 27 de Marzo del 2010.
  • Para aquellos que dudan de la gran popularidad de Hugmoney, pueden revisar su posicionamiento en el ranking de Alexa
  • Hugmoney rankea en la posición 12903 y ayer en el ranking diario obtuvo 4739, lo cuál fue muy sobreasliente para una empersa de inversiones online.
  • Notarán también que haciendo una búsqueda rápida en google nos dará mas de 100 000 resultados sobre la empresa,
  • Actualmente Hugmoney cuenta con más de 18000 miembros satisfechos y el número no muestra señales de reducir.
  • Algunas veces Hugmoney recibe hasta 500 nuevos usuarios por día.
  • Llevan 97 días consecutivos trabajando en línea y pagando puntualmente.
  • Si somos unos de los 18000 miembros de Hugmoney, nos recomiendan no ser tímidos sobre compratir nuestra expereciencia con este programa de inversiones en los foros y monitores que se encuentran en
Ahora las noticias importantes de Hugmoney.
Algunos miembros están teniendo problemas para ingresar a sus cuentas, existen varias causas probables para esto, pero nada que no pueda ser arreglado.
  • Tu cuenta ha sido deshabilidata.
  • Has olvidado tu pssword.
  • La seguridad de tu computadora se ha visto comprometida y has permitido que alguién más tenga acceso a ella.
  • Tienes alguna falla técnica en tu computadora, navedagor o en tu conección a internet.
Si tienes algunos de estos problemas necesitas contactar con soporte inmediatamente con la siguiente información.
A: Nombre de usuario

B : Tu Password
C: Tu respuesta secreta

Los usuarios de cuentas de usuario deshabilitadas deben enviar su Password, nos recuerdan que debido a la gran cantidad de tráfico que reciben diariamente debemos ser pacientes y permitir que su equipo de soporte haga su trabajo. Necesitan 88 aproxiamdamente y no debemos enviar más de un ticket para alguna causa en particular, no los ayudamos cuando bombardeamos su servidor con tantos correos. antes de contactarlos no olvidemos revisar la sección de FAQs (Preguntas frecuentes) la cual es:
Las misma situación se aplica para los retiros, algunas veces puden pagar en cuestion de minutos, pero otras veces depende del tiempo asi como del número de solicitudes con las cuales están tratando.
Es todo por ahora, no olvides revisar con frecuencia algunos Foros, Monitores, Redes de Inversores y Websites afines a esta industria de alta rentabilidad, que consideres de tu confianza para mantener un buen hábito informativo, asimismo buscar constantemente otras fuentes de información y de ingresos extra por internet no necesariamente vinculadas a las Inversiones Online de Alto Rendimiento.
“Los obstáculos son esas cosas
que las personas ven
cuando dejan de mirar sus metas.”
-E. Jossep Cossman
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