Comunicado de GoldNuggetInvest - 09/03/10

14:44 Publicado por Luis Alberto
GoldNuggetInvest (GNI) fue uno de los programas más populares hasta el 2009 y a fines de ese año y comienzos de éste tuvo grandes problemas que lo obligaron a cerrar y llevar a cabo una reestructuración fallida. Este tema lo traté en varias ocasiones, y durante las últimas semanas nos estuvieron enviando comunicados, que a mi parecer, no tenían ninguna importancia, motivo por el cual no los comenté. Sin embargo, el día de hoy Robert y el equipo de GNI nos han enviado un comunicado más interesante.
Greetings to the Most Loyal GNI Friends, Family & Associates and; Nemesis:

As I have mentioned in the forum, I have spent the last few days in Northern Cyprus trying desperately to obtain those funds which belong to us - members and principals of

Besides myself, I have been privileged to be assisted by Counsel (one of our attorneys) to not just make a strong presence on behalf of some faceless arbitrage project; indeed, but to help me place a face on the thousands of loyal GNI Customers who have (rightfully or not) depended on our presence and weekly payments to:

1. pay the rent or mortgage,
2. pay doctor's bills,
3. pay for a family member's schooling,
4. retire in a manner that is consistent with the years of service provided to their employer,
5. take a well-deserved vacation with someone special or
6. have some peace of mind in these troublesome times.

Despite our best efforts, and monumental efforts were made by all concerned, we could not get the directors, regulators or oversight administrators to relent. There were several tactics employed, a couple of which were most creative, but it was of no use. We thought we may have a foot in the door, only to have it cut off. What I can say is we tried damn it....we tried our hardest; but we could not overcome this hurdle.

Without this income, we go in reverse. We have had suggestions, offers which included members giving us funds, members willing to delay the taking of payments, partial payments, the entire spectrum of suggestions; the reality is, however, these suggestions amount to a band-aid when in fact a tourniquet is called for.

I must, for the sake of the sanity of myself and my family, the GNI Team Members, the Principals and our most trusted customers, shut down effective immediately and permanently. This decision will not be reversed.

Refunds: Despite the 'disingenuous' overtones having made its way around the world of on-line investing, we will be refunding those members who are NOT in profit, an amount equal to 101.5% of their principal investment (this includes interest payments already received) rendering EVERY person who invested with us, more than whole as defined by Commonly Accepted Principles of Accounting. The instructions will be provided within the next 48-72 hours; will be straight-forward so this can be expedited.

The newGNI: GNI has the concept, the tools and the strategy somewhat perfected in the world of Sure-Bets. We will be making an announcement at 08:00 (GMT) on Friday, March 12 as it pertains to our future. We can give a hint: It will be a completely and totally PRIVATE program fashioned in a manner that is compliant in any and all world-wide jurisdictions with no limitations. This program has been in the planning stages for nine months and was to be run in parallel with GNI. Nothing more will be said until Friday.

Summary / Conclusion: I want to take a moment to thank all of you, our GNI family for all the kind words and support you have shown over the past several months. I never anticipated some of the hurdles which we had been forced to try to navigate. This program was my baby, you were my extended family. This program was a sense of pride, an attempt to help those of you who needed it the most. I have never, nor has my team, hid from reality; perhaps we were a bit over-confident, but our intentions were and always have been true.

Our next chapter will be very bright, very private, but very bright. I hope to see all of you join in the journey.

Thank you from my heart!

With kind regards,
Robert and the GNI Team

Voy a descartar las partes triviales del comunicado, ya que seguro muchos perdieron la paciencia y la esperanza con GNI durante estos últimos meses. Resumiendo lo interesante tenemos:

1. Han decidido cerrar el programa debido a que la mencionada reestructuración fue un acto fallido. Y era de esperarse, ya que los nuevos planes no resultaban atractivo a nadie.

2. Harán reembolsos a los inversores que no estuvieron en periodo de ganancias. Según dice el comunicado, el reembolso será del 101.5% del capital invertido, pero hay que tener en cuenta que en ese porcentaje está incluido los intereses que hayamos recibido. Las instrucciones nos serán enviadas dentro de 48-72 horas.

3. Abrirán un nuevo programa. Como ya sabemos GNI operó por mucho tiempo y tienen mucha experiencia en su negocio: los arbitrajes deportivos. El día 12 de marzo anunciaran de qué se trata específicamente, pero ya nos han adelantado que será un programa privado y lo harán de tal forma que "será compatible en todas las jurisdicciones del mundo".

Finalmente, quiero comentarles que más de una vez hemos escuchado que un programa cerró y el admin prometió reembolsar, también por ahí hubieron casos de programas que prometieron regresar, algunos lo hicieron, pero no tuvieron éxito alguno. Ya veremos qué pasará con GNI.
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